Have you upgraded your staff computer to Office 365 yet?

Posted 13/02/2024

IT Services has undertaken a University wide rollout of Microsoft Office 365, replacing any earlier versions. 

Thank you to all those who have upgraded their staff machines in the last few months. For those who haven't yet upgraded, you should now receive this pop-up message at least once a day until you upgrade:

Microsoft 365 upgrade pop-up message

If you receive the above pop-message on your device, please upgrade your machine by following the instructions below:

1.      Open Install University Applications on your computer
2.      Install Office 365 from the Office category in the list
3.      The install should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete
4.      Users upgrading off-campus will need to be connected to the VPN to complete authentication

IMPORTANT: Please remember to close all Office applications before upgrading. 

It’s a simple process that shouldn’t take very long. We’ve also got a knowledge article which can help but if you do experience any issues, please raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk.

Why do I need to do it?
Upgrading to the latest version of Office provides more security for your and the University’s data, and it allows IT Services to introduce new features such as sensitivity labelling and seamless collaboration through the eradication of compatibility issues.

IT Services is grateful to all staff for playing their part in keeping the University’s IT systems up to date and secure.

IT Services Service announcements, Software

Contact Details
IT Service Desk https://servicedesk.liverpool.ac.uk IT Services